COMING SOON! Spring 2023: 手に水 – Te Ni Mizu – Water in the Hand


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COMING SOON! – Click here to reserve this matcha

Our Spring matcha for 2023 is 手に水 or “Te ni mizu” which means “Water in the Hand.” There’s a proverb that says, “Love is like water in the hand.” Hold it too loosely and it slips through your fingers. Too tightly and you squeeze it all away.

This metaphor describes the feeling of trying to hold onto something that is slippery and hard to grasp. In the context of love, it’s a metaphor for the way that relationships can be elusive and difficult to maintain. Just like water slipping through your fingers, love can be hard to hold onto, and it requires a delicate touch to keep it from slipping away.

While sipping this Spring’s matcha we noticed how delicate the flavor was and how holding the bowl felt like water in the hand. Usually we prefer and recommend making thick tea (koicha), but we gladly recommend trying this one as thin tea (usucha) as well. It holds up quite well.

COMING SOON! – Click here to reserve this matcha